The book that I am reviewing for the realistic fiction module is called "¡Fiesta!" by Ginger Foglesong Guy. There are many reasons that I chose this book, but one of the main reasons was because it is bilingual which can be a very important aspect in elementary schools. It is common to have English Learners within your elementary classroom and to help them learn English it could be useful to have bilingual books. This type of book also exposes all of the students to different types of culture and languages that they may not be familiar with. The book has two different sets of text on each page, one is in English and the other is in Spanish. Therefore, no student is at a disadvantage and since the students are young this could benefit them in the near future when they are learning another language. This book does a great job of being interactive with the audience which will help keep all of the students engaged with the book while the teacher is reading. It also incorporates...