The question is: If the definition of literacy always shifts can we know what meaning-making means?
I argue that no matter how far the definition of literacy shifts that we will always be able to make meaning of something. In order for literacy to be, one must be able to gain information or understand some type of story from it. How this story is told or how the information is given is not the most important part. Certain types of literature may be more amusing than others but if you are able to receive a message of some sort through it then you will be able to make meaning of it.
We can look at the music for example; there are tons of genres and not everyone likes every single genre. However, when you go and listen to a genre that you do not like but listen to the words being said or the type of beat being used then you are able to gain information about the song.
Often we think about how literacy has changed and become broader over the years. I believe that this is a very good thing and allows people to enjoy all different types of literacy and be recognized for it.
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